Almendras y frutos secos CREMADES
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Nutritional Facts
Almond as a nutrient:

Different types of almonds can be commercialized under different varieties, shapes and sizes. Nevertheless, nutritional values remain invariable in all of them. Almonds are nutritious and have a high power content. Nutritional details are shown below:

Content of vitamins in 100 gr. of almond

Carotene (A Vitamin)

0.12 mg.

B1 Vitamin

0.22 mg.

B2 Vitamin

0.62 mg.

Pantothenic Acid (B5 Vitamin)

0.58 mg.

B3 Vitamin

4.18 mg.

B6 Vitamin

0.06 mg.

Folic Acid

0.05 mg.

C Vitamin

0.80 mg.

Although almonds are relatively rich in fats, most of them are not saturated (60% monounsaturated fats), reporting healthful benefits, reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL).

Nutritional values in 30 gr. of almond


170 gr.

Total greasy

15 gr.

Fats saturated

1 gr.


0 mg.


0 mg.

Total carbohydrate

5 gr.

Fibre dietetic

4 gr.


1 gr.


7 gr.


High level of essential nutrients (phosphorus, magnesium, proteins, vitamins, fiber) and high level of healthful fats make almond a healthy nutrient, highly recommended in the prevention of heart disease and as a cancer preventive.
The pyramid of food consists of five main groups necessary to obtain our daily portion of nutrients and calories. Almond is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals for a healthful and balanced diet.


Composition and nutritional value of dried fruit:

• Dried fruits contain proteins of excellent biological quality, remarking arginine for its benefit to the cardiovascular system.

• Dried fruits contain heart friendly fatty acids, specially oleic acids, which help to decrea "bad" cholesterol or LDL levels reporting a smaller impact on the vascular walls.
• Dried fruits contain a certain number of sterols or phytosterols, reducing cholesterol presence in the thin intestine and helping to improve cholesterol levels in blood.
• High fiber content in dried fruits provides several good effects to the body, both for the gastro-intestinal system and for different metabolic processes. For example: sensation of satiety, decrease of cholesterol levels and regulation of intestinal transit.

• Antioxidative content (vitamin E) in dried fruits is also important since it reduces negative effects of free radicals on  cardiovascular diseases, cancer and the process of aging.
• Dried fruits contain certain amount of vitamins of group B, remarking folic acid which balances the usual deficit in our organism and is needed to synthesize RNA and DNA. It is also preventive on anemia, fatigue and loss of the appetite.
• Finally, healthful mineral content of dried fruit must be remarked. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium develop and maintain skeleton and take part on the control of the arterial pressure.


Five takes of dried fruit per week reduce myocardium infarct risk in a 51% .

Scientific studies report dried fruits in the context of Mediterranean diet help to fit the line, in the long run, to even lose weight.


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